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Writer's pictureBlake Surber

The Smartest Area to Remodel in your Home

blueprint for kitchen remodel
Kitchen Blueprint

What is the smartest area in your home to spend the extra money for remodeling and enjoyment?

Simple, Its the Kitchen.

The kitchen is going to be the area that is going to get you the most bang for your buck. You are more likely to gain more exposure and enjoyment to your home by adding value in this area than many others. A large portion of the money spent in this renovation will likely be recovered when it's time to sell at a higher selling price.

The following tips should help you enjoy a more profitable and painless renovation

1. Appropriate Planning

2. Use the same footprint

3. High Quality

4. Good Communication

The planning of your remodel should actually take more time than the project itself. If this is executed properly a construction timeline will actually reduce.

To help ensure that you are using the most cost efficient strategy it is imperative to keep plumbing in the same or close by locations. Moving plumbing can be the #1 killer in blowing a budget.

Resist the temptation to use low budget trendy products. These can be short lived in both style and functionality. You want to be able to use something that can withstand the test of time.

Establish good relationships with the contractors. Another good practice is to arrange a schedule that you can drop in on the project a couple of times a day to try and keep miscommunication and mistakes to a minimum. Lastly, PAY your contractors on a timely and agreed upon fashion. Trust me, this will go a long way.

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